Dental Procedures | My Body By Design
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What Are Veneers?

Veneers are custom-fit, wafer-thin shells that your dentist permanently bonds to the fronts of your teeth to improve the appearance of your smile. These veneers can hide stained, chipped, crooked, or gapped teeth. 

Dental Implants

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What Are Dental Implants and How Do They Work?

Dental implants are metal fixtures surgically fastened to your jawbone below the gums, onto which artificial teeth can be mounted. These metal implants become anchored to your bone through osseointegration (the bone fuses to the metal). This process provides stable support you can rely on while eating and speaking.


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What Are Dentures?

Dentures are custom-made replacements for missing teeth and can be taken out and put back into your mouth. While dentures take some getting used to and will never feel the same as natural teeth, today's dentures are natural looking and more comfortable than ever. 

Dental Bridges

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What Is a Dental Bridge?

Dental bridges are an attractive option to cover gaps left by any missing teeth. These helpful prosthetics fill the space where one or more of your teeth used to be. Unlike dentures, they can't be removed from your mouth and are secured onto your surrounding teeth.


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What's a Dental Crown?

Also known as a cap, a dental crown is most often a tooth-colored prosthetic designed to cover a damaged tooth in a fixed position. Once inserted, a crown can strengthen the tooth, improving its overall appearance and alignment in the mouth.

Dental Restoration

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 What are the types of dental restoration?

While we sometimes loosely use the term "fillings" to discuss tooth restoration, there are actually a few types of dental restoration options available. These include Fillings, dental Inlays, and dental Onlays.

Clear Aligners

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What Are Clear Aligners?

Aligners are thin, clear trays made to fit your teeth. Unlike metal braces, aligners are removable. The patient is responsible for putting them in and taking them out. Patients receive sets of aligners designed to move their teeth using the same method as braces: constant, gentle pressure.

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